Have you seen an invasive species not listed on our site?
Report it on the statewide pest hotline by phone, 643-PEST, or online: www.643pest.org

Report it on the statewide pest hotline by phone, 643-PEST, or online: www.643pest.org
Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC)
Office: (808) 573-6472
Press and Media Inquiries: (808) 344-2756
Mailing Address:
PO Box 983, Makawao, HI 96768
Acting Manager / Public Relations: Lissa Strohecker
E-mail: miscpr@hawaii.edu
Special Projects: Teya Penniman
E-mail: miscmgr@hawaii.edu
Statewide Pest Hotline: 808-643-PEST
Report a Pest Online